Are you Ready For Some Football?

Fall has become pretty special to me. Many of us remember loved ones passing and mark the days of those life events as they come and go. Those days as they come around need not be marked by sadness.
My late father died in this favorite time of year, in his home state near his beloved lake. My dad loved raking leaves and burning them in our back yard, I can still picture him in a sweatshirt, work gloves, rake in hand with a cold beer. I loved attending the university football games with my dad and my mom watching the scoreboard to get baseball updates, eating tailgate with family and old friends.My mother was in her element on those days as well. She loved cooking and preparing the entire spread for the entire day’s event. This was Saturday and then………we would do it all over again on Sunday for the hometown team. Yes we were a football family and with 4 boys I am not so sure it would have been any different with 4 girls as my daughter’s gather around on such autumn football days wearing the appropriate team gear. It was a different time and the rules of most sports have changed, evolved just as we have evolved as families.
One thing that will never change, the love of family and getting together on a great autumn day doing what you love be it football, reminiscing. raking and burning leaves. This October we will be raking, watching football and hoisting a can of dad’s favorite ale for sure…

Kevin Kirkpatrick is Director of Community Relations and Chief Leaf Raker/Sports Junkie at Elmwood Terrace in the Western Suburbs of Chicago