If You Build it, They Don’t Always Come

Recently we did a multi-million dollar renovation at our facility, upgrading our therapy department and adding an in-house dialysis unit. All good right? The problem was no one mentioned what we had done and consequently our census did not magically take off.
This submission can be for any business anywhere and at anytime in history or the future. Yes some of the time it is location, location, location…but all the time is it about telling your story.
A renovation, should never go untold especially when it improves the level of service or treatment you provide to the folks consuming your product or service. You will find a need to tell the story to the people who you may think know it, your employees and providers who are constantly in and out of your doors. Why? They forgot! AND they forgot to tell others in our community about our new capabilities and just how good we are at caring for those who grace our doors and call this home for awhile.
Yesterday we had the chance to start the conversation again with a luncheon and brief meeting with all of our providers and senior staff. It seemed to be a very positive experience for all of us to re-connect away from our facility and for all of us to take another look at our story…a story in the making that keeps improving because of all of those fine people at the luncheon.
Kevin Kirkpatrick is Director of Community Relations
at Elwood Terrace in Suburban Chicago