5 Steps of Stroke Rehabilitation

Follow These 5 Steps to Help Your Loved One Recover From a Stroke
Having a loved one suffer from a stoke can be difficult, and recovery often takes months or longer. As a caregiver of someone who has suffered from a recent stroke, use these 5 steps of stoke rehabilitation as your guide to help them and yourself.
1. Work closely with your recovery team of health professionals
You are an integral part of the recovery team. Your help and feedback can be incredibly positive for your loved one’s progress, but you need to work in conjunction with the health professionals that are guiding the stroke recovery process.
Other members of the recovery team could include a physical therapist, occupational therapist, physiatrist, neurologist, and rehabilitation nurse. These people will be valuable resources for you as you help care for your loved one. They are often responsible for setting recovery goals, which you can be a huge part of as you care for your loved one.
2. Encourage independence and participation
One of the main goals of stroke recovery is for your loved one to regain independence. You can help this process along by encouraging participation in daily activities, such as taking part in household tasks. Of course, seek the guidance of your recovery team to make sure your loved one is ready to participate.
3. Encourage your loved one to exercise, as advised by your recovery team
Exercise is a necessary component of stroke rehabilitation, even if your loved one may seem too weak or fragile. Effective and safe exercise can be hard for a person recovering from stroke; offer your help through friendly encouragement and assistance in keeping an exercise routine prescribed by your recovery team.
4. Help to improve the quality of life of your loved one
While recovering from a stroke, it’s easy to feel like you’re missing out on the little joys of life. Encourage visits with family and friends, trips outdoors, and leisurely activities that your loved one enjoyed before having a stroke. By helping to improve the quality of life of your loved one, you are aiding in the overall progress of recovery.
5. Take care of yourself, too
Caring for a loved one who is recovering from a stroke can be mentally and physically taxing, especially as recovery stretches for several months or longer. The best thing you can do for your loved one is to take care of yourself, so that you can continue to function as an excellent caregiver.
Ways you can make sure to take care of yourself include:
- Asking for help. Let others take over for a while if you need a break.
- Building a support group of family members and friends.
- Taking care of your health. Eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and exercise yourself.
- Talking to a doctor or health care professional right away if you experience frustration, anger, or depression.
Learn more about caring for a loved one who has suffered from a stroke
The short term rehabilitation specialists at Elmwood Terrace have experience aiding families on the road to recovery. Give us a call for more guidance: 618-847-0206.